SafetyNet communication systems intelligently combine data and audio to offer the ultimate solution for ensuring the alert is raised when urgent assistance is required, a critical asset is moved or an alarm or plant requires immediate attention, streamlining the collection and dissemination of information to ensure an effective response.
In custodial facilities, where the safety of personnel and ensuring a quick, effective response to incidents is paramount, SafetyNet Custodial provides the ultimate mission critical communication solution. SafetyNet Custodial systems use TETRA or DMR Tier III trunked technology to deliver secure communication and superior channel management and prioritisation.
Every SafetyNet Custodial solution is bespoke to the client and application but at the core of most systems SafetyNet Custodial integrates with PMR Products supplied, or appropriate existing, two-way radios and infrastructure to provide a control room management system supporting critical communications and location monitoring of people for organisational effectiveness and safety. Using SafetyNet Custodial, location monitoring of people and assets can also be achieved without two-way radios, using SafetyNet Protect and SafetyNet Alarm.
SafetyNet is continually evolving, taking advantage of relevant advances in technology to provide additional benefits for clients.
SafetyNet Custodial is a trademark of PMR Products.
PMR Products is a highly respected innovator in PMR systems and wireless applications, combining the merits of different technologies into integrated solutions tailored to the individual requirements of each application.
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