Using SafetyNet Asset to monitor the location of workers or critical or high value assets’ location can provide for worker safety and deliver considerable improvements in efficiency and cost savings, maximise the use of inventory and reduce loss through theft.
How does it work?
SafetyNet Asset devices lie dormant for most of the time. When in motion the device will transmit regular updates to SafetyNet Mesh , a network of discreet beacon readers and routers (BRRs) strategically positioned around the required area, that logs the device’s location and transmits it to SafetyNet Software, which displays it on screen and can also raise the alert if a SafetyNet Asset device leaves its designated area.
- Small and discreet
- Movement detector ensures device only transmits when moving so prolongs battery life
- Range from 1m to 20m
- Battery life of up to 5 years (depending on programming and operational use)
- Available as fixed tag, for attachment to equipment or on a lanyard for personnel
Example Applications
- People in tunnels
- People in mines
- Critical or high value assets e.g. keys in custodial facilities